Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The O'Connell Street Walking Dress Up Guitar Guy A.K.A Romulus Romeo


When I started my guitar dress up walks in mid-June 2020 I was unknowingly critically ill due to a benign brain tumour and hydrocephalus. Maybe it was the fragile state of my health or just my creativity, but inventing The O'Connell Street Walking Dress Up Guitar Guy A.K.A Romulus Romeo has changed my life wonderfully forever. People tell me I make them happy and it is such an incredible privilege and an honour to be able to put a smile on their faces.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

My Nephew Zac

 It was fun to catch up with my nephew, Zac, on Mother's Day. 

Mother's Day


To all the wonderful mothers of the world have a fantastic Mother's Day!